1 00:00:00,539 --> 00:00:03,539 foreign 2 00:00:09,800 --> 00:00:15,440 of Applause to Daisy and Nick 3 00:00:17,160 --> 00:00:22,279 you're not Lily no I'm not 4 00:00:24,359 --> 00:00:28,959 this was pretty good 5 00:00:25,780 --> 00:00:28,959 [Applause] 6 00:00:29,099 --> 00:00:34,380 so um because I didn't trust Chris to 7 00:00:31,380 --> 00:00:37,860 give me five minutes uh I took that 8 00:00:34,380 --> 00:00:39,000 choice away from him and escalated so uh 9 00:00:37,860 --> 00:00:40,500 now you're stuck with me for a little 10 00:00:39,000 --> 00:00:41,280 while 11 00:00:40,500 --> 00:00:44,300 um 12 00:00:41,280 --> 00:00:44,300 pretty good event yeah 13 00:00:44,579 --> 00:00:49,559 we need some help 14 00:00:46,500 --> 00:00:51,539 yes we do you know I wasn't allowed to 15 00:00:49,559 --> 00:00:55,020 put that joke in 16 00:00:51,539 --> 00:00:58,320 um but yeah so 17 00:00:55,020 --> 00:00:59,780 python is run by the people who show up 18 00:00:58,320 --> 00:01:03,480 this was something 19 00:00:59,780 --> 00:01:05,939 we sort of came up with 20 00:01:03,480 --> 00:01:08,400 um Midway through and it's and it's 21 00:01:05,939 --> 00:01:10,439 remained true and it's been relevant a 22 00:01:08,400 --> 00:01:14,400 lot 23 00:01:10,439 --> 00:01:15,119 you don't have to be and like one of the 24 00:01:14,400 --> 00:01:17,700 things 25 00:01:15,119 --> 00:01:19,140 that I thought when I first started 26 00:01:17,700 --> 00:01:21,360 coming to pycon I first started coming 27 00:01:19,140 --> 00:01:23,060 to pycon a long time ago and I've I've 28 00:01:21,360 --> 00:01:26,640 been a very 29 00:01:23,060 --> 00:01:27,600 I I I've not come to all of the pycon 30 00:01:26,640 --> 00:01:29,939 since 31 00:01:27,600 --> 00:01:31,380 um and I was I was given finnaid to come 32 00:01:29,939 --> 00:01:33,659 to my first couple of pycons and I'm 33 00:01:31,380 --> 00:01:36,420 very thankful for that I was a lot 34 00:01:33,659 --> 00:01:39,720 younger when I first came to pycon and 35 00:01:36,420 --> 00:01:43,680 when I first came to pycon Au I thought 36 00:01:39,720 --> 00:01:46,740 you had to be one of the people who you 37 00:01:43,680 --> 00:01:48,960 see come up on stage and who are amazing 38 00:01:46,740 --> 00:01:50,640 right I thought you had to be this 39 00:01:48,960 --> 00:01:52,860 person 40 00:01:50,640 --> 00:01:54,730 I thought you had to be this person 41 00:01:52,860 --> 00:01:56,040 I thought you had to be this person 42 00:01:54,730 --> 00:01:58,619 [Music] 43 00:01:56,040 --> 00:02:01,680 and I thought you had to be this person 44 00:01:58,619 --> 00:02:04,020 the good news is to help pycon you don't 45 00:02:01,680 --> 00:02:06,240 have to be any of these people 46 00:02:04,020 --> 00:02:09,720 you don't even have to wear a jacket 47 00:02:06,240 --> 00:02:12,959 you can you can just show up and help 48 00:02:09,720 --> 00:02:15,239 and you will make a huge difference to 49 00:02:12,959 --> 00:02:18,980 the running of the conference 50 00:02:15,239 --> 00:02:21,060 not everything has to be a full-on 51 00:02:18,980 --> 00:02:24,420 conference director position though 52 00:02:21,060 --> 00:02:27,840 there are a lot of ways to help pycon 53 00:02:24,420 --> 00:02:30,540 run and to be really upfront we need it 54 00:02:27,840 --> 00:02:32,520 after the last few years so here are 55 00:02:30,540 --> 00:02:35,340 some ways you can help 56 00:02:32,520 --> 00:02:38,360 the first one is to go out and tell the 57 00:02:35,340 --> 00:02:41,599 weld what you did this weekend 58 00:02:38,360 --> 00:02:44,819 we really struggled to get the word out 59 00:02:41,599 --> 00:02:46,560 particularly because space Karen has 60 00:02:44,819 --> 00:02:49,970 taken over our primary source of 61 00:02:46,560 --> 00:02:51,420 marketing in the bird site 62 00:02:49,970 --> 00:02:53,879 [Applause] 63 00:02:51,420 --> 00:02:55,800 we really need you to go and tell your 64 00:02:53,879 --> 00:02:57,540 friends tell your colleagues tell your 65 00:02:55,800 --> 00:02:58,920 professional acquaintances tell people 66 00:02:57,540 --> 00:03:01,200 on the street 67 00:02:58,920 --> 00:03:03,480 you went to pycon this weekend and it 68 00:03:01,200 --> 00:03:05,640 was great 69 00:03:03,480 --> 00:03:08,760 the second thing you need to do is jump 70 00:03:05,640 --> 00:03:12,300 on whatever social media you are on and 71 00:03:08,760 --> 00:03:13,700 amplify us if you if even if you do 72 00:03:12,300 --> 00:03:16,860 nothing else 73 00:03:13,700 --> 00:03:18,540 amplifying our socials makes a huge 74 00:03:16,860 --> 00:03:20,099 difference and I can tell you because I 75 00:03:18,540 --> 00:03:22,200 had my finger on the pulse of the 76 00:03:20,099 --> 00:03:25,440 numbers of our LinkedIn posts 77 00:03:22,200 --> 00:03:26,340 when you click like it shows it to more 78 00:03:25,440 --> 00:03:28,739 people 79 00:03:26,340 --> 00:03:31,019 if you have LinkedIn go and follow the 80 00:03:28,739 --> 00:03:33,440 pike on Au page if you don't have 81 00:03:31,019 --> 00:03:39,360 LinkedIn go and follow the pycon 82 00:03:33,440 --> 00:03:41,879 fostered on Mastodon uh presence 83 00:03:39,360 --> 00:03:44,519 whatever we're calling those 84 00:03:41,879 --> 00:03:47,840 um the LinkedIn is easy to find 85 00:03:44,519 --> 00:03:49,560 um so is the the Foster done 86 00:03:47,840 --> 00:03:52,500 sponsoring 87 00:03:49,560 --> 00:03:54,060 as you all hopefully know I was the 88 00:03:52,500 --> 00:03:57,239 sponsoring sponsors coordinator this 89 00:03:54,060 --> 00:03:59,580 year it's a massive help to sponsor the 90 00:03:57,239 --> 00:04:02,700 conference there are a lot of you with 91 00:03:59,580 --> 00:04:06,000 organizations on your tags that can and 92 00:04:02,700 --> 00:04:09,120 should be sponsoring pycon AU 93 00:04:06,000 --> 00:04:11,159 my ask is if you are not from one of 94 00:04:09,120 --> 00:04:14,360 these organizations and your 95 00:04:11,159 --> 00:04:18,419 organization has any money at all 96 00:04:14,360 --> 00:04:20,820 we'll take whatever you got 97 00:04:18,419 --> 00:04:23,520 please do 98 00:04:20,820 --> 00:04:24,960 get in touch with whoever it is that has 99 00:04:23,520 --> 00:04:27,240 money it doesn't need to be the 100 00:04:24,960 --> 00:04:29,340 marketing department marketing can help 101 00:04:27,240 --> 00:04:31,139 but the marketing department are not the 102 00:04:29,340 --> 00:04:33,360 only people 103 00:04:31,139 --> 00:04:35,460 um in particular some of the sponsors on 104 00:04:33,360 --> 00:04:38,160 this organization came from the 105 00:04:35,460 --> 00:04:40,680 recruiting side some of the sponsors on 106 00:04:38,160 --> 00:04:43,020 this slide came from the engineering 107 00:04:40,680 --> 00:04:45,360 side you don't have to go to marketing 108 00:04:43,020 --> 00:04:46,740 to get sponsoring dollars if you do want 109 00:04:45,360 --> 00:04:48,300 to go to marketing and get sponsoring 110 00:04:46,740 --> 00:04:49,620 dollars and they say oh well what about 111 00:04:48,300 --> 00:04:51,660 the business fair you're in the business 112 00:04:49,620 --> 00:04:53,580 case please feel free to direct them to 113 00:04:51,660 --> 00:04:55,979 me I can have that conversation you 114 00:04:53,580 --> 00:04:56,880 don't have to I just need I just need 115 00:04:55,979 --> 00:04:58,620 the email 116 00:04:56,880 --> 00:05:01,380 hey 117 00:04:58,620 --> 00:05:03,960 you can help by speaking at pycon 118 00:05:01,380 --> 00:05:06,120 we put out a call for papers you can 119 00:05:03,960 --> 00:05:07,979 submit to that call for papers now is 120 00:05:06,120 --> 00:05:09,660 the time from experience now is the time 121 00:05:07,979 --> 00:05:11,639 to be thinking about what you want to 122 00:05:09,660 --> 00:05:14,280 submit to pycon next year you don't have 123 00:05:11,639 --> 00:05:15,720 to write the proposal tomorrow but over 124 00:05:14,280 --> 00:05:17,160 the course of the next few months you're 125 00:05:15,720 --> 00:05:19,860 going to do something interesting I 126 00:05:17,160 --> 00:05:21,960 guarantee it when you do write it down 127 00:05:19,860 --> 00:05:24,419 come up with a talk or at least an 128 00:05:21,960 --> 00:05:27,860 abstract and when we roll out the call 129 00:05:24,419 --> 00:05:30,180 for papers next year you can be in it 130 00:05:27,860 --> 00:05:31,699 volunteering we do the same thing we do 131 00:05:30,180 --> 00:05:35,520 a call for volunteering 132 00:05:31,699 --> 00:05:38,160 we will have a uh somewhere in here 133 00:05:35,520 --> 00:05:40,020 there is a QR code that I'm going to put 134 00:05:38,160 --> 00:05:42,060 up on the screen and if you are 135 00:05:40,020 --> 00:05:43,560 interested in volunteering next year you 136 00:05:42,060 --> 00:05:45,660 will be able to sign up on there and you 137 00:05:43,560 --> 00:05:48,360 will get the call for volunteers as soon 138 00:05:45,660 --> 00:05:51,060 as it comes out 139 00:05:48,360 --> 00:05:54,840 last but not least coming along is a big 140 00:05:51,060 --> 00:05:57,000 help coming along helps us run pycon and 141 00:05:54,840 --> 00:05:58,860 to be really Upfront for a hot minute 142 00:05:57,000 --> 00:05:59,880 there I was a little worried none of you 143 00:05:58,860 --> 00:06:01,979 would 144 00:05:59,880 --> 00:06:04,800 so thank you very much for coming along 145 00:06:01,979 --> 00:06:06,300 I'm going to keep going the last thing 146 00:06:04,800 --> 00:06:08,160 you can do is sign up to be on the 147 00:06:06,300 --> 00:06:11,820 organizing committee now I'm not going 148 00:06:08,160 --> 00:06:14,580 to lie it's a fair bit of work 149 00:06:11,820 --> 00:06:17,220 um but it's extremely rewarding 150 00:06:14,580 --> 00:06:19,500 um it is a great it's great fun it's 151 00:06:17,220 --> 00:06:20,460 probably the best group of people you'll 152 00:06:19,500 --> 00:06:22,259 work with 153 00:06:20,460 --> 00:06:24,840 um minus me 154 00:06:22,259 --> 00:06:26,280 um assuming I'm still on the committee 155 00:06:24,840 --> 00:06:29,819 um we'll see 156 00:06:26,280 --> 00:06:33,660 um I'm not sure whose choice that is 157 00:06:29,819 --> 00:06:36,660 um yeah we really do need organizers 158 00:06:33,660 --> 00:06:38,039 um we need more organizers to be upfront 159 00:06:36,660 --> 00:06:40,440 like there's there's a lot of people 160 00:06:38,039 --> 00:06:43,319 doing two or three jobs 161 00:06:40,440 --> 00:06:45,300 um the way to fix that is more people it 162 00:06:43,319 --> 00:06:47,880 is not to change the people every year 163 00:06:45,300 --> 00:06:50,100 because they get burnt out 164 00:06:47,880 --> 00:06:52,319 if you want to help 165 00:06:50,100 --> 00:06:54,000 this QR code I'm going to sit here for 166 00:06:52,319 --> 00:06:55,080 30 seconds in fact I'm not going to sit 167 00:06:54,000 --> 00:06:56,819 here 168 00:06:55,080 --> 00:06:58,740 I have 169 00:06:56,819 --> 00:07:02,280 clap for the sponsors while you do the 170 00:06:58,740 --> 00:07:04,819 QR code and hands up if you didn't grab 171 00:07:02,280 --> 00:07:04,819 a plushie 172 00:07:05,660 --> 00:07:10,699 anyone else I'm gonna start throwing at 173 00:07:07,979 --> 00:07:10,699 random heads up 174 00:07:11,580 --> 00:07:16,039 it is just because you've always wanted 175 00:07:12,960 --> 00:07:19,039 to throw stuff into windows isn't it 176 00:07:16,039 --> 00:07:22,380 sorry 177 00:07:19,039 --> 00:07:23,639 nobody giving this a T-shirt cannon one 178 00:07:22,380 --> 00:07:26,039 more over that way 179 00:07:23,639 --> 00:07:28,380 one more over there 180 00:07:26,039 --> 00:07:30,660 has everyone got the QR code great I'm 181 00:07:28,380 --> 00:07:32,960 out thank you very much here's your 182 00:07:30,660 --> 00:07:32,960 clicker 183 00:07:38,840 --> 00:07:43,400 I didn't put that slide there he did 184 00:07:43,800 --> 00:07:47,000 so we have some 185 00:07:47,880 --> 00:07:52,259 I have some words somewhere in here 186 00:07:50,580 --> 00:07:53,699 uh it's been a very very long weekend 187 00:07:52,259 --> 00:07:54,360 for me 188 00:07:53,699 --> 00:07:56,039 um 189 00:07:54,360 --> 00:07:57,300 Lily you've got bits in this bit so if 190 00:07:56,039 --> 00:07:58,860 you want to get on the stage please feel 191 00:07:57,300 --> 00:08:00,360 feel free 192 00:07:58,860 --> 00:08:02,039 um oh no you're not in the statistics 193 00:08:00,360 --> 00:08:04,560 bit I'm not I'm not there we were asked 194 00:08:02,039 --> 00:08:07,080 this we practiced we definitely practice 195 00:08:04,560 --> 00:08:08,759 I wasn't still writing this like as the 196 00:08:07,080 --> 00:08:12,300 lightning talks were going 197 00:08:08,759 --> 00:08:16,020 um we had 447 attendees 391 of them are 198 00:08:12,300 --> 00:08:18,180 here in cantania Adelaide and 199 00:08:16,020 --> 00:08:19,740 56 were online that's pretty amazing 200 00:08:18,180 --> 00:08:21,360 given we haven't done this in person 201 00:08:19,740 --> 00:08:23,520 together for four years so thank you all 202 00:08:21,360 --> 00:08:24,840 so much for coming 203 00:08:23,520 --> 00:08:27,240 we had 204 00:08:24,840 --> 00:08:28,620 19 people came to this conference with 205 00:08:27,240 --> 00:08:30,060 the support of our financial assistance 206 00:08:28,620 --> 00:08:31,500 program and this is a really important 207 00:08:30,060 --> 00:08:33,659 slide for me because when I was a 208 00:08:31,500 --> 00:08:37,020 student I went to my second ever pycon 209 00:08:33,659 --> 00:08:39,360 Au Hobart 23 2013 exactly 10 years ago 210 00:08:37,020 --> 00:08:40,680 with the support of the program if we 211 00:08:39,360 --> 00:08:42,419 didn't have financial assistance back 212 00:08:40,680 --> 00:08:44,459 then I wouldn't have been able to make 213 00:08:42,419 --> 00:08:46,860 it to paikon are you and I probably 214 00:08:44,459 --> 00:08:50,580 wouldn't be running it this year 215 00:08:46,860 --> 00:08:52,800 so as the slide says I would love to see 216 00:08:50,580 --> 00:08:54,779 this number be bigger next year and the 217 00:08:52,800 --> 00:08:56,940 way them to make this happen is exactly 218 00:08:54,779 --> 00:08:58,980 what Nick just said please ask your 219 00:08:56,940 --> 00:09:00,420 employers to sponsor the more sponsors 220 00:08:58,980 --> 00:09:03,060 we get the more stuff like this we can 221 00:09:00,420 --> 00:09:04,980 do the earlier in the year we get 222 00:09:03,060 --> 00:09:07,260 sponsors signed on 223 00:09:04,980 --> 00:09:09,480 the earlier in the year we can make 224 00:09:07,260 --> 00:09:11,760 financial decisions like how big is our 225 00:09:09,480 --> 00:09:13,860 sponsorship pool going to be 226 00:09:11,760 --> 00:09:16,860 and we can make that number a lot larger 227 00:09:13,860 --> 00:09:18,839 without having to try and guess how many 228 00:09:16,860 --> 00:09:20,100 tickets will sell so sponsors are really 229 00:09:18,839 --> 00:09:23,459 really critical especially for the 230 00:09:20,100 --> 00:09:24,480 finite program because of that earlier 231 00:09:23,459 --> 00:09:28,040 in the year 232 00:09:24,480 --> 00:09:28,040 finance that it gives us 233 00:09:29,519 --> 00:09:35,580 we had 114 presentations that included 234 00:09:33,060 --> 00:09:38,279 nine student talks 24 lightning talks 235 00:09:35,580 --> 00:09:40,920 and four pycon festivals 236 00:09:38,279 --> 00:09:43,019 we presented those presentations on 106 237 00:09:40,920 --> 00:09:45,959 square meters of presenters of projected 238 00:09:43,019 --> 00:09:48,540 screen across the uh the four Halls 239 00:09:45,959 --> 00:09:50,279 this screen alone is 36 square meters 240 00:09:48,540 --> 00:09:52,500 and the reason this slide is in here is 241 00:09:50,279 --> 00:09:55,740 because I live in an apartment that is 242 00:09:52,500 --> 00:09:58,260 35 square meters and this this is a 243 00:09:55,740 --> 00:10:02,540 whole square meter bigger than my entire 244 00:09:58,260 --> 00:10:02,540 living space that's just a fun fact 245 00:10:03,060 --> 00:10:09,360 the curly boy Creation Station produced 246 00:10:05,160 --> 00:10:10,980 147 meters of curly boy that is that is 247 00:10:09,360 --> 00:10:12,300 12 meters longer than the riverbank 248 00:10:10,980 --> 00:10:13,860 Bridge which is the bridge that you can 249 00:10:12,300 --> 00:10:15,600 see just outside of foia e leading 250 00:10:13,860 --> 00:10:18,260 across Colorado party the river turns to 251 00:10:15,600 --> 00:10:18,260 Adelaide oval 252 00:10:19,800 --> 00:10:23,880 tomorrow 253 00:10:21,480 --> 00:10:25,500 we have some things happening tomorrow 254 00:10:23,880 --> 00:10:26,640 and the person that is going to talk 255 00:10:25,500 --> 00:10:29,279 about the things is nodding at me and 256 00:10:26,640 --> 00:10:32,240 not coming up to the stage 257 00:10:29,279 --> 00:10:32,240 come on business dad 258 00:10:33,360 --> 00:10:37,920 this is a well-planned operation we 259 00:10:36,060 --> 00:10:41,180 haven't done this in a while that's true 260 00:10:37,920 --> 00:10:41,180 this is true the rust is still 261 00:10:41,660 --> 00:10:46,980 yes okay so tomorrow the next two days 262 00:10:44,820 --> 00:10:48,420 we have Sprints who here has never been 263 00:10:46,980 --> 00:10:51,360 to a Sprint before and there's no idea 264 00:10:48,420 --> 00:10:54,660 what a Sprint is all right the Sprints 265 00:10:51,360 --> 00:10:57,180 are two days of completely unscripted 266 00:10:54,660 --> 00:10:58,920 opportunity to work on the things that 267 00:10:57,180 --> 00:11:00,839 we have spent the last three days 268 00:10:58,920 --> 00:11:02,700 talking about we have an opportunity 269 00:11:00,839 --> 00:11:04,740 with a bunch of program coordinators 270 00:11:02,700 --> 00:11:06,480 people who are open source maintainers 271 00:11:04,740 --> 00:11:08,279 or people who just have really really 272 00:11:06,480 --> 00:11:10,019 bright spark ideas that happened over 273 00:11:08,279 --> 00:11:10,880 beers at two o'clock in the morning last 274 00:11:10,019 --> 00:11:14,279 night 275 00:11:10,880 --> 00:11:16,019 we have two full days with resources 276 00:11:14,279 --> 00:11:18,779 that you can sit down talk to those 277 00:11:16,019 --> 00:11:20,519 people and just work on those ideas I 278 00:11:18,779 --> 00:11:22,200 for example will be there working on the 279 00:11:20,519 --> 00:11:24,060 beware project people want to come along 280 00:11:22,200 --> 00:11:25,680 and and work on the big web project you 281 00:11:24,060 --> 00:11:27,060 can come and talk to me and I can get 282 00:11:25,680 --> 00:11:29,160 you set up and get working on those 283 00:11:27,060 --> 00:11:31,440 projects I am not the only project that 284 00:11:29,160 --> 00:11:32,940 will be there tomorrow morning at the 285 00:11:31,440 --> 00:11:34,320 start about nine o'clock we'll have an 286 00:11:32,940 --> 00:11:36,240 introductory session where people will 287 00:11:34,320 --> 00:11:37,380 have the opportunity to say this is what 288 00:11:36,240 --> 00:11:39,300 I'm going to be working on do you want 289 00:11:37,380 --> 00:11:41,519 to come and work on this with me great 290 00:11:39,300 --> 00:11:44,760 big Open Space full of tables and room 291 00:11:41,519 --> 00:11:47,399 uh room for for 100 people to just hack 292 00:11:44,760 --> 00:11:49,440 away on any old cool thing 293 00:11:47,399 --> 00:11:51,720 there's no no program beyond that we've 294 00:11:49,440 --> 00:11:53,399 got two days and whatever craziness we 295 00:11:51,720 --> 00:11:55,100 can get it get out get up to on those 296 00:11:53,399 --> 00:11:57,000 two days 297 00:11:55,100 --> 00:11:58,140 the tickets for that actually have 298 00:11:57,000 --> 00:11:59,700 already sold out I think we have we have 299 00:11:58,140 --> 00:12:01,200 hit capacity for tomorrow you have it 300 00:11:59,700 --> 00:12:02,760 capacity for tomorrow we have yeah okay 301 00:12:01,200 --> 00:12:04,380 so um 302 00:12:02,760 --> 00:12:07,320 tomorrow morning come along to the 303 00:12:04,380 --> 00:12:08,300 riverbank rooms I think it is which is 304 00:12:07,320 --> 00:12:11,339 downstairs 305 00:12:08,300 --> 00:12:12,899 with the map with a map right that is 306 00:12:11,339 --> 00:12:15,060 where we're going tomorrow it is not in 307 00:12:12,899 --> 00:12:16,200 any of these spaces that you've been in 308 00:12:15,060 --> 00:12:18,899 um 309 00:12:16,200 --> 00:12:20,519 sorry it's on the website okay we'll go 310 00:12:18,899 --> 00:12:21,240 to the website 311 00:12:20,519 --> 00:12:22,920 um 312 00:12:21,240 --> 00:12:24,180 if you've got that that ticket I've got 313 00:12:22,920 --> 00:12:25,260 that option on your ticket tomorrow I 314 00:12:24,180 --> 00:12:26,820 hope you see you tomorrow morning about 315 00:12:25,260 --> 00:12:29,100 nine o'clock we'll uh we'll kick off 316 00:12:26,820 --> 00:12:31,399 with the introductory sessions we'll see 317 00:12:29,100 --> 00:12:31,399 you there 318 00:12:33,480 --> 00:12:37,519 now I have all of the microphones 319 00:12:41,820 --> 00:12:45,300 the bit where I have a bit it is the bit 320 00:12:43,800 --> 00:12:46,860 where you have a bit all right committed 321 00:12:45,300 --> 00:12:47,880 to the bit hello 322 00:12:46,860 --> 00:12:50,399 right 323 00:12:47,880 --> 00:12:53,940 uh we have a lot of people to say thank 324 00:12:50,399 --> 00:12:55,380 you to and we are going to try and get 325 00:12:53,940 --> 00:12:57,480 through all of them we will inevitably 326 00:12:55,380 --> 00:12:59,279 forget people as well so you know big 327 00:12:57,480 --> 00:13:01,500 preemptive thank you to literally 328 00:12:59,279 --> 00:13:04,019 everybody because oh my god 329 00:13:01,500 --> 00:13:07,680 um thank you so much 330 00:13:04,019 --> 00:13:09,600 to the universe basically to my mom uh 331 00:13:07,680 --> 00:13:12,480 no okay okay can I give them a slide 332 00:13:09,600 --> 00:13:14,459 okay so this has been a long time coming 333 00:13:12,480 --> 00:13:16,260 some of you might remember if you've 334 00:13:14,459 --> 00:13:19,620 been to I've been to the last in-person 335 00:13:16,260 --> 00:13:22,079 pycon when I first put this graphic on 336 00:13:19,620 --> 00:13:25,139 screen without the canceled bit and 337 00:13:22,079 --> 00:13:27,420 announced Pike on Au 2020 right here on 338 00:13:25,139 --> 00:13:30,839 this stage is where I was going to be on 339 00:13:27,420 --> 00:13:32,459 the 7th of to the 11th of August 2020. 340 00:13:30,839 --> 00:13:34,380 we first started talking about an 341 00:13:32,459 --> 00:13:35,639 Adelaide pycon are you in 2017 and 342 00:13:34,380 --> 00:13:38,579 started planning an Earnest in late 343 00:13:35,639 --> 00:13:40,800 2018. so much has changed on basically 344 00:13:38,579 --> 00:13:42,899 every scale in the last six years on a 345 00:13:40,800 --> 00:13:44,700 global level we had a whole pandemic on 346 00:13:42,899 --> 00:13:47,519 a personal level for me I'm a girl now 347 00:13:44,700 --> 00:13:49,560 and at every level in between we're in a 348 00:13:47,519 --> 00:13:51,060 whole different world so before we get 349 00:13:49,560 --> 00:13:52,560 into the thank yous for this year I want 350 00:13:51,060 --> 00:13:55,200 to acknowledge everybody that helps me 351 00:13:52,560 --> 00:13:57,240 plan Adelaide 2020 the picon that never 352 00:13:55,200 --> 00:13:59,220 was as well as the team that helped me 353 00:13:57,240 --> 00:14:01,560 run Pike online that year and Richards 354 00:13:59,220 --> 00:14:04,040 Pike online team in 2021 for keeping the 355 00:14:01,560 --> 00:14:04,040 community together 356 00:14:08,820 --> 00:14:13,320 but here we are 357 00:14:10,500 --> 00:14:15,660 we did it finally and there's so so many 358 00:14:13,320 --> 00:14:17,700 people we couldn't have done it without 359 00:14:15,660 --> 00:14:19,200 speakers this was such a great show and 360 00:14:17,700 --> 00:14:21,300 you were the stars you all did an 361 00:14:19,200 --> 00:14:22,740 amazing job I've spoken to so many 362 00:14:21,300 --> 00:14:24,060 people who have told me just how much 363 00:14:22,740 --> 00:14:26,279 they loved there's so many different 364 00:14:24,060 --> 00:14:27,720 talks and the Snippets that I've managed 365 00:14:26,279 --> 00:14:30,060 to see myself on the monitoring screen 366 00:14:27,720 --> 00:14:31,320 in the organizer office which is really 367 00:14:30,060 --> 00:14:33,480 chaotic by the way you're watching four 368 00:14:31,320 --> 00:14:34,860 different talks at once uh make me 369 00:14:33,480 --> 00:14:37,339 really excited to watch them properly 370 00:14:34,860 --> 00:14:37,339 when I can 371 00:14:37,380 --> 00:14:40,380 cheers 372 00:14:38,760 --> 00:14:42,660 we really couldn't have done it without 373 00:14:40,380 --> 00:14:44,820 the session chairs session chairs really 374 00:14:42,660 --> 00:14:46,800 you know they tell us what's going on 375 00:14:44,820 --> 00:14:49,740 when it's going on they introduce people 376 00:14:46,800 --> 00:14:51,060 they say goodbye to people and that's a 377 00:14:49,740 --> 00:14:52,560 really fundamentally important thing 378 00:14:51,060 --> 00:14:53,639 it's also something that people may 379 00:14:52,560 --> 00:14:56,579 arrive at the conference not knowing 380 00:14:53,639 --> 00:14:58,740 that they are going to do and that has 381 00:14:56,579 --> 00:15:00,899 been a thing that we have seen a lot of 382 00:14:58,740 --> 00:15:03,240 people step up and do for the first time 383 00:15:00,899 --> 00:15:04,800 this year so session chairs thank you so 384 00:15:03,240 --> 00:15:06,360 much we hope you session share again we 385 00:15:04,800 --> 00:15:08,699 hope we see you on stages again in many 386 00:15:06,360 --> 00:15:10,560 different contexts and we really 387 00:15:08,699 --> 00:15:12,680 couldn't have done it without you thank 388 00:15:10,560 --> 00:15:12,680 you 389 00:15:17,160 --> 00:15:20,760 a huge thank you to win Dixon Wiley an 390 00:15:19,199 --> 00:15:22,079 incredible local Adelaide artist who 391 00:15:20,760 --> 00:15:23,220 created the illustration that you see on 392 00:15:22,079 --> 00:15:25,740 the t-shirts and the introduction 393 00:15:23,220 --> 00:15:28,320 animations this design is incredible it 394 00:15:25,740 --> 00:15:30,180 ties together our iconic curly boy with 395 00:15:28,320 --> 00:15:31,860 the designs of the pre-curly boy era by 396 00:15:30,180 --> 00:15:33,839 wrapping them around landmarks of aho 397 00:15:31,860 --> 00:15:35,820 City we have the big rocking horse in 398 00:15:33,839 --> 00:15:37,500 glamoraka Bob The Clock Tower from 399 00:15:35,820 --> 00:15:41,000 Glenelg the Adelaide Central Markets and 400 00:15:37,500 --> 00:15:41,000 of course the iconic malts balls 401 00:15:41,579 --> 00:15:46,699 thank you very much to the safety team 402 00:15:43,680 --> 00:15:50,820 which is all of these people 403 00:15:46,699 --> 00:15:53,339 we would not have been able to do any of 404 00:15:50,820 --> 00:15:55,140 this stuff without you folks helping us 405 00:15:53,339 --> 00:15:57,180 keep everything on track 406 00:15:55,140 --> 00:16:00,260 [Applause] 407 00:15:57,180 --> 00:16:00,260 thank you so much 408 00:16:02,100 --> 00:16:05,880 it has been a real honor to be able to 409 00:16:04,199 --> 00:16:08,880 work with all of you 410 00:16:05,880 --> 00:16:10,680 thank you for keeping everybody on track 411 00:16:08,880 --> 00:16:12,540 and for taking reports and for being 412 00:16:10,680 --> 00:16:14,880 ready to take reports and for listening 413 00:16:12,540 --> 00:16:16,500 to all of us and helping us out through 414 00:16:14,880 --> 00:16:19,279 this entire event please say thank you 415 00:16:16,500 --> 00:16:19,279 to the safety team 416 00:16:22,500 --> 00:16:27,720 this conference runs on volunteers and 417 00:16:26,040 --> 00:16:29,399 this is your queue volunteers please 418 00:16:27,720 --> 00:16:31,320 these people have given you their 419 00:16:29,399 --> 00:16:33,480 weekends to staff the registration test 420 00:16:31,320 --> 00:16:34,980 to make sure that sessions and holes run 421 00:16:33,480 --> 00:16:36,540 smoothly to roam the Halls bringing 422 00:16:34,980 --> 00:16:38,339 things to info and of course our av 423 00:16:36,540 --> 00:16:40,320 volunteers make sure our speakers look 424 00:16:38,339 --> 00:16:42,000 and sound good and that you can see and 425 00:16:40,320 --> 00:16:43,800 hear them in the rooms on the live 426 00:16:42,000 --> 00:16:45,839 streams and in the recordings which will 427 00:16:43,800 --> 00:16:47,820 a few are up now the rest will be up 428 00:16:45,839 --> 00:16:49,199 very shortly this conference has been 429 00:16:47,820 --> 00:16:50,880 really challenging because it's been a 430 00:16:49,199 --> 00:16:52,920 huge scale of event we haven't done it 431 00:16:50,880 --> 00:16:54,180 for years and thank you so so so much to 432 00:16:52,920 --> 00:16:55,680 all of these wonderful people for 433 00:16:54,180 --> 00:16:57,720 rolling with the punches managing the 434 00:16:55,680 --> 00:17:00,060 chaos amazingly and making this whole 435 00:16:57,720 --> 00:17:02,220 thing a success I cannot emphasize how 436 00:17:00,060 --> 00:17:04,759 awesome those people have been 437 00:17:02,220 --> 00:17:04,759 thank you 438 00:17:11,880 --> 00:17:17,339 AV 439 00:17:13,319 --> 00:17:20,360 all of the AV team my God you lot have 440 00:17:17,339 --> 00:17:20,360 put up with so much 441 00:17:20,699 --> 00:17:23,780 oh [ __ ] 442 00:17:25,679 --> 00:17:30,419 and 443 00:17:26,939 --> 00:17:32,340 we have been so grateful to all of you 444 00:17:30,419 --> 00:17:34,020 for being here for showing up 445 00:17:32,340 --> 00:17:35,520 um not just at the event but before the 446 00:17:34,020 --> 00:17:38,400 event it requires an awful lot of 447 00:17:35,520 --> 00:17:40,200 coordination with um you know with this 448 00:17:38,400 --> 00:17:41,760 wonderful venue that we have because we 449 00:17:40,200 --> 00:17:43,200 are using this venues facilities in 450 00:17:41,760 --> 00:17:44,940 order to make sure that the AV is 451 00:17:43,200 --> 00:17:47,100 happening and we're using the expertise 452 00:17:44,940 --> 00:17:48,600 of the team as well as a lot of desk you 453 00:17:47,100 --> 00:17:50,880 know their equipment their skills to 454 00:17:48,600 --> 00:17:52,860 make sure that it happens online the 455 00:17:50,880 --> 00:17:54,360 people who are online now watching us 456 00:17:52,860 --> 00:17:55,919 because of the folks who are on stage 457 00:17:54,360 --> 00:17:59,280 right now 458 00:17:55,919 --> 00:18:01,260 um who's driving the car 459 00:17:59,280 --> 00:18:02,880 there are a few people that are not on 460 00:18:01,260 --> 00:18:04,140 stage that are also doing amazing work 461 00:18:02,880 --> 00:18:07,400 and are doing that amazing work right 462 00:18:04,140 --> 00:18:07,400 now thank you 463 00:18:12,240 --> 00:18:16,080 thank you so much to our specialist 464 00:18:14,640 --> 00:18:17,520 track organizers and our Django girls 465 00:18:16,080 --> 00:18:19,500 organizers which are organizing some 466 00:18:17,520 --> 00:18:20,880 stuff tomorrow these specialist tracks 467 00:18:19,500 --> 00:18:24,539 have been really really critical and 468 00:18:20,880 --> 00:18:26,700 wonderful to the event so far and 469 00:18:24,539 --> 00:18:27,660 especially I mean every one of these 470 00:18:26,700 --> 00:18:30,299 tracks has brought something special 471 00:18:27,660 --> 00:18:32,580 djangocon is really special to me 472 00:18:30,299 --> 00:18:33,919 personally all things data is a really 473 00:18:32,580 --> 00:18:35,940 important 474 00:18:33,919 --> 00:18:36,900 application of what is happening behind 475 00:18:35,940 --> 00:18:40,200 me 476 00:18:36,900 --> 00:18:41,160 um application of python education the 477 00:18:40,200 --> 00:18:42,660 like 478 00:18:41,160 --> 00:18:44,760 the students communication especially 479 00:18:42,660 --> 00:18:46,559 just fills me with joy our connected 480 00:18:44,760 --> 00:18:49,140 universe is brand new this year and it's 481 00:18:46,559 --> 00:18:50,460 a really cool really exciting idea 482 00:18:49,140 --> 00:18:53,059 so thank you so much special attract 483 00:18:50,460 --> 00:18:53,059 organizers 484 00:19:00,419 --> 00:19:03,480 this conference was run by a bunch of 485 00:19:02,160 --> 00:19:04,620 corgis 486 00:19:03,480 --> 00:19:08,280 I'm 487 00:19:04,620 --> 00:19:09,720 and we would like all of them to come to 488 00:19:08,280 --> 00:19:11,640 the front of the stage for the front 489 00:19:09,720 --> 00:19:12,780 come to the front of the stage please 490 00:19:11,640 --> 00:19:14,760 some of you may have to extract 491 00:19:12,780 --> 00:19:15,620 yourselves from further down the stage I 492 00:19:14,760 --> 00:19:17,580 think 493 00:19:15,620 --> 00:19:20,400 you'll notice there are some repeat 494 00:19:17,580 --> 00:19:22,799 names on some of these lists 495 00:19:20,400 --> 00:19:24,480 and that's pretty incredible too all of 496 00:19:22,799 --> 00:19:27,179 the people who have stepped up and taken 497 00:19:24,480 --> 00:19:29,220 on other roles not just one role some of 498 00:19:27,179 --> 00:19:31,799 them many of them are in this team 499 00:19:29,220 --> 00:19:36,179 but this team has been with us for a lot 500 00:19:31,799 --> 00:19:39,179 of stuff over the last months time a 501 00:19:36,179 --> 00:19:40,799 long time a very long time yeah 502 00:19:39,179 --> 00:19:42,600 um we have been calling ourselves the 503 00:19:40,799 --> 00:19:45,720 cookies internally because we are you 504 00:19:42,600 --> 00:19:47,520 know the co-organizers and the yeah yeah 505 00:19:45,720 --> 00:19:49,080 yes 506 00:19:47,520 --> 00:19:51,360 and um 507 00:19:49,080 --> 00:19:52,799 it's yeah it's great corgis is also 508 00:19:51,360 --> 00:19:54,360 shorter and therefore more efficient so 509 00:19:52,799 --> 00:19:55,620 thank you thank you yeah we're very 510 00:19:54,360 --> 00:19:58,020 efficient operating them so you can tell 511 00:19:55,620 --> 00:20:00,660 yeah run a tight ship here 512 00:19:58,020 --> 00:20:02,539 um you folks have made the last couple 513 00:20:00,660 --> 00:20:05,160 of months yeah whatever everything 514 00:20:02,539 --> 00:20:06,240 amazing it's been incredible to work 515 00:20:05,160 --> 00:20:07,980 with you to bring all of this together 516 00:20:06,240 --> 00:20:09,059 we have forgotten as much as we've 517 00:20:07,980 --> 00:20:11,400 remembered 518 00:20:09,059 --> 00:20:13,200 about this uh no that probably came out 519 00:20:11,400 --> 00:20:15,539 wrong 520 00:20:13,200 --> 00:20:16,919 I've I've forgotten some some credits 521 00:20:15,539 --> 00:20:18,600 I'm going to do those next before we do 522 00:20:16,919 --> 00:20:21,179 the next slide okay um I want to give 523 00:20:18,600 --> 00:20:22,919 you a big thank you to the program 524 00:20:21,179 --> 00:20:24,660 committee there's a whole bunch of 525 00:20:22,919 --> 00:20:27,900 people who selected all of the talks and 526 00:20:24,660 --> 00:20:29,580 made sure that all of the stuff that you 527 00:20:27,900 --> 00:20:33,240 saw on these stages over the past three 528 00:20:29,580 --> 00:20:35,100 days was really cool stuff and selected 529 00:20:33,240 --> 00:20:37,799 them put them together 530 00:20:35,100 --> 00:20:40,620 and amazing people 531 00:20:37,799 --> 00:20:43,559 I forgot about you because that all 532 00:20:40,620 --> 00:20:46,260 happened months ago but I still very 533 00:20:43,559 --> 00:20:48,840 much appreciate your effort I promise it 534 00:20:46,260 --> 00:20:51,360 was a massive massive amount of work and 535 00:20:48,840 --> 00:20:53,520 um in enabled all of the talks that 536 00:20:51,360 --> 00:20:55,679 we've been able to see today yeah and 537 00:20:53,520 --> 00:20:57,179 hopefully also spawn many many more 538 00:20:55,679 --> 00:20:58,740 talks that you will see at other events 539 00:20:57,179 --> 00:21:01,380 to come because we could not fit them 540 00:20:58,740 --> 00:21:04,160 into this absolutely 541 00:21:01,380 --> 00:21:04,160 thank you 542 00:21:08,640 --> 00:21:14,640 my sponsorship coordinator is making a 543 00:21:10,919 --> 00:21:16,200 face at me so I'm also going to thank 544 00:21:14,640 --> 00:21:19,280 he doesn't trust me to do it right so 545 00:21:16,200 --> 00:21:19,280 he's going to thank the sponsors 546 00:21:19,520 --> 00:21:23,280 oh no what have we done 547 00:21:21,780 --> 00:21:25,380 uh 548 00:21:23,280 --> 00:21:27,000 no I 549 00:21:25,380 --> 00:21:30,240 I want to really quickly say thank you 550 00:21:27,000 --> 00:21:32,880 to our Platinum sponsors wsp 551 00:21:30,240 --> 00:21:34,860 um wsp reached out to us as like the day 552 00:21:32,880 --> 00:21:38,039 after the sponsorship prospectus came 553 00:21:34,860 --> 00:21:40,380 out it was fantastic it's so helpful 554 00:21:38,039 --> 00:21:43,559 um thank you very much wsp 555 00:21:40,380 --> 00:21:45,240 um cracking Tech thank you so much thank 556 00:21:43,559 --> 00:21:47,340 you for coffee 557 00:21:45,240 --> 00:21:49,200 um without it without Kraken sponsoring 558 00:21:47,340 --> 00:21:51,539 the coffee this is a bunch of sleeping 559 00:21:49,200 --> 00:21:54,120 people on stage it's very awkward 560 00:21:51,539 --> 00:21:56,520 um again plushies 561 00:21:54,120 --> 00:21:58,140 um thank you so much to grock learning 562 00:21:56,520 --> 00:21:59,159 and in particular thank you to grock 563 00:21:58,140 --> 00:22:03,480 learning 564 00:21:59,159 --> 00:22:05,520 um both sorry got Academy very bad habit 565 00:22:03,480 --> 00:22:08,280 um grok Academy 566 00:22:05,520 --> 00:22:10,559 um thank you so much both for the 567 00:22:08,280 --> 00:22:12,659 Platinum sponsorship and for sponsoring 568 00:22:10,559 --> 00:22:15,419 the education track 569 00:22:12,659 --> 00:22:16,860 um which personally I found was my why 570 00:22:15,419 --> 00:22:19,260 for the event 571 00:22:16,860 --> 00:22:20,700 um it was it was really fantastic thank 572 00:22:19,260 --> 00:22:23,280 you so much to Google Cloud for the gold 573 00:22:20,700 --> 00:22:24,840 sponsorship and thank you to the python 574 00:22:23,280 --> 00:22:26,360 software foundation and the Django 575 00:22:24,840 --> 00:22:28,760 software Foundation 576 00:22:26,360 --> 00:22:32,880 for your support 577 00:22:28,760 --> 00:22:36,360 and last but not least thank you very 578 00:22:32,880 --> 00:22:38,640 much to the track sponsor for the 579 00:22:36,360 --> 00:22:40,679 uh no that was the jungle foundation for 580 00:22:38,640 --> 00:22:43,260 sponsoring dangocon uh and I think 581 00:22:40,679 --> 00:22:45,360 that's everyone and oh there is one more 582 00:22:43,260 --> 00:22:47,580 thing thank you to the people who 583 00:22:45,360 --> 00:22:49,799 donated to the Oz Harvest 584 00:22:47,580 --> 00:22:50,760 um fundraiser there's still time to do 585 00:22:49,799 --> 00:22:52,559 it 586 00:22:50,760 --> 00:22:53,520 um although I don't have a QR code for 587 00:22:52,559 --> 00:22:56,580 you 588 00:22:53,520 --> 00:22:58,500 um we raised an amazing amount of money 589 00:22:56,580 --> 00:23:01,559 um and there are people who will not go 590 00:22:58,500 --> 00:23:03,299 hungry because of the the money that you 591 00:23:01,559 --> 00:23:05,460 donated so thank you very much for that 592 00:23:03,299 --> 00:23:08,360 I'll hand back the mine now 593 00:23:05,460 --> 00:23:08,360 thank you 594 00:23:09,539 --> 00:23:14,039 so the very last two people I want to 595 00:23:12,299 --> 00:23:15,539 thank are the two people that have 596 00:23:14,039 --> 00:23:17,039 worked tirelessly beside me to help keep 597 00:23:15,539 --> 00:23:19,559 this conference on the rails despite the 598 00:23:17,039 --> 00:23:21,299 best efforts of entropy Libby you're an 599 00:23:19,559 --> 00:23:22,799 incredible and wonderful being thank you 600 00:23:21,299 --> 00:23:24,480 for being somebody that I can just hand 601 00:23:22,799 --> 00:23:26,400 a problem and Trust it'll be done well 602 00:23:24,480 --> 00:23:27,960 and with Care thank you for being kind 603 00:23:26,400 --> 00:23:29,280 and caring to all around you and making 604 00:23:27,960 --> 00:23:31,140 sure to have volunteers and your fellow 605 00:23:29,280 --> 00:23:32,940 corgis are being fed and rested and Lily 606 00:23:31,140 --> 00:23:34,740 I honestly can't think of anyone I'd 607 00:23:32,940 --> 00:23:36,059 rather have sitting next next to me on 608 00:23:34,740 --> 00:23:37,980 the front seat of this roller coaster 609 00:23:36,059 --> 00:23:39,260 ride we've been on since January 610 00:23:37,980 --> 00:23:41,340 ah 611 00:23:39,260 --> 00:23:42,780 you've been there every step of the way 612 00:23:41,340 --> 00:23:45,000 and the way that you've shaped the event 613 00:23:42,780 --> 00:23:46,380 has made all kinds of improvements and 614 00:23:45,000 --> 00:23:48,960 every idea that I've run past you has 615 00:23:46,380 --> 00:23:51,659 been so much better for it and also I've 616 00:23:48,960 --> 00:23:53,940 been staying in an Airbnb with these two 617 00:23:51,659 --> 00:23:56,280 so we've spent like every waking hour 618 00:23:53,940 --> 00:23:58,020 together and 619 00:23:56,280 --> 00:23:59,760 it's chaotic when you get like the three 620 00:23:58,020 --> 00:24:02,400 of us and we've had like four hours of 621 00:23:59,760 --> 00:24:06,059 sleep it's it's it's a wild time but 622 00:24:02,400 --> 00:24:08,159 like we don't hate each other like I I 623 00:24:06,059 --> 00:24:10,679 love these two people even more as 624 00:24:08,159 --> 00:24:12,360 incredibly close friends for this 625 00:24:10,679 --> 00:24:15,740 weekend and I think that it's a 626 00:24:12,360 --> 00:24:15,740 testament to how wonderful they are 627 00:24:15,840 --> 00:24:18,679 oh 628 00:24:26,520 --> 00:24:32,220 that was really nice 629 00:24:28,860 --> 00:24:34,919 um thank you yeah Daisy hi you've been 630 00:24:32,220 --> 00:24:37,799 planning this for years yeah like a long 631 00:24:34,919 --> 00:24:39,659 time there was a panini in between and 632 00:24:37,799 --> 00:24:41,159 then there were the two things uh the 633 00:24:39,659 --> 00:24:43,080 two conferences before which was when I 634 00:24:41,159 --> 00:24:45,419 first met you when you were being 635 00:24:43,080 --> 00:24:47,400 introduced as the person who was going 636 00:24:45,419 --> 00:24:50,220 to run the piequon EU after the one that 637 00:24:47,400 --> 00:24:52,200 I was on the committee for in Sydney and 638 00:24:50,220 --> 00:24:54,000 you were shadowing our committee to 639 00:24:52,200 --> 00:24:55,380 learn what to do with your committee for 640 00:24:54,000 --> 00:24:57,780 the Adelaide one which was going to 641 00:24:55,380 --> 00:24:59,640 happen real soon back then and then it 642 00:24:57,780 --> 00:25:01,380 kind of didn't sort of 643 00:24:59,640 --> 00:25:02,640 and so I feel like this has been a 644 00:25:01,380 --> 00:25:04,559 really long time coming in a lot of ways 645 00:25:02,640 --> 00:25:07,620 but it's also the context within which 646 00:25:04,559 --> 00:25:09,600 you know I first got to know you and 647 00:25:07,620 --> 00:25:11,580 to be able to come here and be here with 648 00:25:09,600 --> 00:25:13,620 you today to do this and to have worked 649 00:25:11,580 --> 00:25:15,299 with you on this has been incredible and 650 00:25:13,620 --> 00:25:17,820 to see it come together and to pay off 651 00:25:15,299 --> 00:25:19,620 has just been amazing and you have led 652 00:25:17,820 --> 00:25:22,320 that the entire way like it has been a 653 00:25:19,620 --> 00:25:25,200 long time coming and a lot of work it's 654 00:25:22,320 --> 00:25:27,779 hard to sustain energy for six years uh 655 00:25:25,200 --> 00:25:30,960 we took a year off yeah um because it's 656 00:25:27,779 --> 00:25:33,720 it's hard to do that and it's all been 657 00:25:30,960 --> 00:25:35,760 you know you driving it your connection 658 00:25:33,720 --> 00:25:38,760 to Adelaide that has been part of what 659 00:25:35,760 --> 00:25:40,200 has brought this to Adelaide and we 660 00:25:38,760 --> 00:25:41,820 could not have done this like we 661 00:25:40,200 --> 00:25:43,200 literally and figuratively could not 662 00:25:41,820 --> 00:25:46,460 have done it without you thank you thank 663 00:25:43,200 --> 00:25:46,460 you Daisy so much 664 00:25:50,470 --> 00:25:54,059 [Music] 665 00:25:52,679 --> 00:25:55,919 sorry 666 00:25:54,059 --> 00:25:57,059 please take a moment to thank everybody 667 00:25:55,919 --> 00:25:59,279 what 668 00:25:57,059 --> 00:26:02,039 we're still applauding you oh okay yeah 669 00:25:59,279 --> 00:26:03,120 no applaud Daisy again 670 00:26:02,039 --> 00:26:05,779 yes 671 00:26:03,120 --> 00:26:05,779 thank you 672 00:26:10,080 --> 00:26:14,640 oh cool okay okay 673 00:26:12,179 --> 00:26:15,960 um please while there's all on stage 674 00:26:14,640 --> 00:26:19,460 thank everybody that has helped make 675 00:26:15,960 --> 00:26:19,460 pycon au 2023 happen 676 00:26:21,120 --> 00:26:23,779 good 677 00:26:27,320 --> 00:26:32,860 and thank you to everyone in this room 678 00:26:31,020 --> 00:26:34,860 you're included in this 679 00:26:32,860 --> 00:26:37,799 [Applause] 680 00:26:34,860 --> 00:26:38,940 you are included in making pycon Au 2023 681 00:26:37,799 --> 00:26:41,039 happen 682 00:26:38,940 --> 00:26:44,480 um because if you weren't here then we 683 00:26:41,039 --> 00:26:44,480 would it would be really awkward 684 00:26:45,480 --> 00:26:49,620 um 685 00:26:46,200 --> 00:26:50,880 and and also a lot more difficult but 686 00:26:49,620 --> 00:26:52,740 every single one of you has brought 687 00:26:50,880 --> 00:26:54,720 something to this event just by being 688 00:26:52,740 --> 00:26:56,940 here today whether you are here in 689 00:26:54,720 --> 00:26:59,640 person if you are here online 690 00:26:56,940 --> 00:27:01,270 thank you so much for being part of this 691 00:26:59,640 --> 00:27:09,000 it's been amazing 692 00:27:01,270 --> 00:27:10,380 [Applause] 693 00:27:09,000 --> 00:27:14,779 all right 694 00:27:10,380 --> 00:27:14,779 that's that's that's you here okay 695 00:27:14,940 --> 00:27:17,840 we planned this 696 00:27:18,059 --> 00:27:22,020 it's a very strange sound with all these 697 00:27:19,799 --> 00:27:23,700 feet walking away from 698 00:27:22,020 --> 00:27:26,120 the typical response I get when I go 699 00:27:23,700 --> 00:27:26,120 into a room 700 00:27:26,220 --> 00:27:31,620 Harry Clinton I didn't think through did 701 00:27:28,260 --> 00:27:33,539 I uh just a few brief words for me my 702 00:27:31,620 --> 00:27:36,419 name is Clinton I'm a previous organizer 703 00:27:33,539 --> 00:27:40,140 of Pocono U Back in 2014 and 2015 in 704 00:27:36,419 --> 00:27:42,299 Brisbane so I have a a reasonably deep 705 00:27:40,140 --> 00:27:44,039 understanding and appreciation of all of 706 00:27:42,299 --> 00:27:45,480 the efforts of all of the volunteers but 707 00:27:44,039 --> 00:27:46,500 particularly Daisy your conference 708 00:27:45,480 --> 00:27:49,020 director 709 00:27:46,500 --> 00:27:51,360 I've also previously been in the Linux 710 00:27:49,020 --> 00:27:53,640 Australia Council so I do have a good 711 00:27:51,360 --> 00:27:55,740 understanding there as well of all of 712 00:27:53,640 --> 00:27:58,020 the work that goes in from the Linux 713 00:27:55,740 --> 00:28:00,360 Australia side to do a lot of the 714 00:27:58,020 --> 00:28:04,440 boilerplate infrastructure stuff so that 715 00:28:00,360 --> 00:28:08,400 conferences like Pokemon Au can go ahead 716 00:28:04,440 --> 00:28:11,159 so it's with uh deep understanding and 717 00:28:08,400 --> 00:28:12,779 deep appreciation that I on behalf of 718 00:28:11,159 --> 00:28:15,419 the Linux Australia Council can say 719 00:28:12,779 --> 00:28:16,980 thank you to all of the volunteers but 720 00:28:15,419 --> 00:28:20,840 especially Daisy your conference 721 00:28:16,980 --> 00:28:20,840 director for Pokemon EU 2023 722 00:28:25,740 --> 00:28:31,200 so I'm up here for two things 723 00:28:27,900 --> 00:28:33,419 firstly as the representative of the 724 00:28:31,200 --> 00:28:36,179 steering committee who's uh whose job is 725 00:28:33,419 --> 00:28:38,580 to recruit the organizing team for the 726 00:28:36,179 --> 00:28:40,140 future of pycon au uh we haven't really 727 00:28:38,580 --> 00:28:42,900 been able to meet in person for the last 728 00:28:40,140 --> 00:28:44,880 few years and our hiring pipeline has 729 00:28:42,900 --> 00:28:46,740 kind of relied on meeting in person and 730 00:28:44,880 --> 00:28:50,940 finding people at conferences to run 731 00:28:46,740 --> 00:28:53,940 events so we don't have a 2024 and 2025 732 00:28:50,940 --> 00:28:55,740 announcement to make just yet we are 733 00:28:53,940 --> 00:28:57,779 working on it and the working assumption 734 00:28:55,740 --> 00:29:00,480 is that the event will be in Melbourne 735 00:28:57,779 --> 00:29:03,539 next year at some point probably later 736 00:29:00,480 --> 00:29:05,340 in the year pay attention to all the 737 00:29:03,539 --> 00:29:08,220 social media places that Nick mentioned 738 00:29:05,340 --> 00:29:10,740 in his talk because as soon as we know 739 00:29:08,220 --> 00:29:13,320 when we're having a conference you will 740 00:29:10,740 --> 00:29:15,480 know when we're having a conference 741 00:29:13,320 --> 00:29:18,240 now the subject of finding people at 742 00:29:15,480 --> 00:29:20,820 conferences and convincing them to run 743 00:29:18,240 --> 00:29:23,399 Pike on EU 744 00:29:20,820 --> 00:29:26,580 five and a half years ago I tracked this 745 00:29:23,399 --> 00:29:31,260 one down at lunch at LCA in Sydney and 746 00:29:26,580 --> 00:29:34,520 after uh an immediate response of of 747 00:29:31,260 --> 00:29:34,520 confusion and shock 748 00:29:35,340 --> 00:29:41,399 there was there was acceptance 749 00:29:37,880 --> 00:29:43,799 and and I remember saying two things I 750 00:29:41,399 --> 00:29:45,779 remember saying firstly it will be one 751 00:29:43,799 --> 00:29:47,039 of the best experiences of your life and 752 00:29:45,779 --> 00:29:49,140 secondly 753 00:29:47,039 --> 00:29:52,860 that will be predictable you only need 754 00:29:49,140 --> 00:29:55,940 to replicate what the 2019 team do 755 00:29:52,860 --> 00:29:55,940 [Music] 756 00:29:56,940 --> 00:29:58,940 um 757 00:29:59,279 --> 00:30:07,460 Daisy has rebuilt pycon EU from the 758 00:30:02,399 --> 00:30:07,460 ground up twice in the last four years 759 00:30:13,020 --> 00:30:18,659 uh 760 00:30:15,299 --> 00:30:20,640 I could not have hoped for a better 761 00:30:18,659 --> 00:30:22,860 organizer to keep this conference 762 00:30:20,640 --> 00:30:24,299 running and keep it alive for all these 763 00:30:22,860 --> 00:30:26,360 years while we couldn't meet in person 764 00:30:24,299 --> 00:30:29,580 and to bring it back 765 00:30:26,360 --> 00:30:32,640 so on behalf of the people on the 766 00:30:29,580 --> 00:30:35,520 steering committee and a bunch of other 767 00:30:32,640 --> 00:30:39,419 people who really appreciate your uh the 768 00:30:35,520 --> 00:30:42,140 work you've done here is a small gift 769 00:30:39,419 --> 00:30:45,179 laughs 770 00:30:42,140 --> 00:30:48,179 I can't I can't get this so we bought 771 00:30:45,179 --> 00:30:50,340 like really I I compared multiple 772 00:30:48,179 --> 00:30:51,960 vendors to get like really high quality 773 00:30:50,340 --> 00:30:53,340 sticker stocks yeah well that's your 774 00:30:51,960 --> 00:30:55,020 fault isn't it 775 00:30:53,340 --> 00:30:57,240 it's 776 00:30:55,020 --> 00:31:00,320 oh my goodness it's 777 00:30:57,240 --> 00:31:00,320 it's a train 778 00:31:00,440 --> 00:31:07,740 but also uh also in there is a gift 779 00:31:04,620 --> 00:31:10,260 voucher for you and a friend uh first 780 00:31:07,740 --> 00:31:12,240 class on the Q train a rail-based 781 00:31:10,260 --> 00:31:15,179 restaurant on the bellarine peninsula in 782 00:31:12,240 --> 00:31:17,640 Victoria oh that's delightful so I enjoy 783 00:31:15,179 --> 00:31:19,320 a pleasantly relaxing weekend uh you've 784 00:31:17,640 --> 00:31:22,880 really earned it uh thank you for 785 00:31:19,320 --> 00:31:22,880 keeping our conference alive Daisy 786 00:31:24,720 --> 00:31:28,340 thank you so much oh 787 00:31:29,880 --> 00:31:32,600 oh 788 00:31:51,000 --> 00:31:54,320 oh don't chance 789 00:31:54,419 --> 00:31:58,220 that was I know that was dark 790 00:32:00,299 --> 00:32:06,200 and so ends pycon Au 2023 and with it my 791 00:32:03,899 --> 00:32:06,200 10 year 792 00:32:06,840 --> 00:32:10,020 I'm very tired 793 00:32:08,279 --> 00:32:12,960 and with it my tenure of leading this 794 00:32:10,020 --> 00:32:14,399 event and uh Christmas preempted a lot 795 00:32:12,960 --> 00:32:15,840 of this but I signed up to be the 796 00:32:14,399 --> 00:32:17,760 steward of this very established 797 00:32:15,840 --> 00:32:19,980 successful wonderful event with a proven 798 00:32:17,760 --> 00:32:21,779 formula the pitch that Chris made to me 799 00:32:19,980 --> 00:32:22,860 was you take this great thing you tweak 800 00:32:21,779 --> 00:32:24,500 it around the edges to be even better 801 00:32:22,860 --> 00:32:27,840 and then you hand it to the next person 802 00:32:24,500 --> 00:32:29,880 but then 2020 happened and I led Pike 803 00:32:27,840 --> 00:32:31,620 online Au 2020 where we tried to bring 804 00:32:29,880 --> 00:32:33,720 the community together online while we 805 00:32:31,620 --> 00:32:35,460 were still apart and now here we are 806 00:32:33,720 --> 00:32:38,279 gathering together for the first time in 807 00:32:35,460 --> 00:32:41,460 the post lockdown era so the theme of my 808 00:32:38,279 --> 00:32:44,039 tenure has been unexpected uh unexpected 809 00:32:41,460 --> 00:32:45,779 firsts and huge amounts of uncertainty I 810 00:32:44,039 --> 00:32:48,299 went into this year being uncertain if 811 00:32:45,779 --> 00:32:50,100 any of it will work bearing the burden 812 00:32:48,299 --> 00:32:51,539 of leading the effort to bring back the 813 00:32:50,100 --> 00:32:54,059 magic of paikon are you after a 814 00:32:51,539 --> 00:32:57,000 four-year break and all of this 815 00:32:54,059 --> 00:32:59,520 everybody that was on the stage earlier 816 00:32:57,000 --> 00:33:01,380 feeling the effect still of a mass 817 00:32:59,520 --> 00:33:06,720 burnout inducing an event that we had in 818 00:33:01,380 --> 00:33:08,120 2020. and while so much has changed I 819 00:33:06,720 --> 00:33:11,039 was so relieved to find this weekend 820 00:33:08,120 --> 00:33:13,559 that the magic is still here and I think 821 00:33:11,039 --> 00:33:15,600 that's because the heart of pikon IU 822 00:33:13,559 --> 00:33:17,940 isn't the structure or the format or the 823 00:33:15,600 --> 00:33:19,559 even now wonderful curly boy it's how we 824 00:33:17,940 --> 00:33:21,240 always strive to be kind and caring and 825 00:33:19,559 --> 00:33:23,340 inclusive each year more so than the 826 00:33:21,240 --> 00:33:24,840 last it's how we have this beautiful and 827 00:33:23,340 --> 00:33:26,760 chaotic combination that is a 828 00:33:24,840 --> 00:33:28,140 professional programming conference 829 00:33:26,760 --> 00:33:30,659 um with a bright and colorful and 830 00:33:28,140 --> 00:33:32,340 irreverent and delightful culture 831 00:33:30,659 --> 00:33:33,720 it's having some of the brightest Minds 832 00:33:32,340 --> 00:33:35,820 in software in Australia coming together 833 00:33:33,720 --> 00:33:36,899 to enjoy stickers and plushies and led 834 00:33:35,820 --> 00:33:39,539 carriers 835 00:33:36,899 --> 00:33:41,220 it's an openness to learning across the 836 00:33:39,539 --> 00:33:43,440 technical and the social about anything 837 00:33:41,220 --> 00:33:45,960 to do with people using computers to 838 00:33:43,440 --> 00:33:47,820 make things for people it's you it's all 839 00:33:45,960 --> 00:33:49,440 of us I love you all and I can't wait to 840 00:33:47,820 --> 00:33:57,039 see what's next 841 00:33:49,440 --> 00:33:57,039 [Applause]